Mannitol 10% Pharmacology

Mannitol 10%

About Mannitol 10%
A polyol (Sugar alcohol), Low molecular weight non electrolyte, Osmotic diuretic.
Mechanism of Action of Mannitol 10%
It is a non electrolyte of low molecular weight which limit the tubular water and electrolyte reabsorption in a variety of ways such as: - 1. Expanding extra cellular fluid volume and increase glomerular filtration rate and inhibits renin release. 2. Increases renal blood flow especially to the medulla hence medullary hyper tonicity is reduced and corticomedullary osmotic gradient is dissipated and thus passive salt reabsorption is reduced. 3. Retains water isoosmotically in proximal tubule and thus dilutes luminal fluid which opposes sodium chloride reabsorption. 4. Inhibits transport process in the thick ascending loop of Henle which ultimately leads to diuresis and enhanced excretion of all cations and anions. It also decongestant the eye by osmotic action.
Pharmacokinets of Mannitol 10%
Absorption: Approximately 7% of ingested mannitol is absorbed during gastrointestinal perfusion in uremic patients

Distribution: Distributed extra cellularly

Metabolism: Metabolised minimally to glycogen in the liver

Excretion: Excreted through urine
Onset of Action for Mannitol 10%
15 to 60 minutes
Duration of Action for Mannitol 10%
3 to 8 hrs
Half Life of Mannitol 10%
100 minutes
Side Effects of Mannitol 10%
1.Pulmonary congestion
2.Electrolyte imbalance
Contra-indications of Mannitol 10%
1.Hypersensitivity to the drug
2.Renal impairment
4.Pulmonary Oedema
5.Heart failure
7.Intracranial bleeding
Special Precautions while taking Mannitol 10%
1.Pulmonary congestion
2.Heart failure
3.Rapid I V administration
Pregnancy Related Information
Old Age Related Information
Use with caution
Breast Feeding Related Information
Children Related Information
Use with caution
Indications for Mannitol 10%
2.Acute renal failure
4.To monitor kidney function
5.Intracranial pressure
6.Cerebral edema
7.Diuresis in drug intoxication
Interactions for Mannitol 10%
Typical Dosage for Mannitol 10%
Adult: 50 to 200gm/day
Children: 0.2 to 2gm/day
Schedule of Mannitol 10%
Storage Requirements for Mannitol 10%
Store at controlled room temperature at a range of 15 to 30 degree C and protect from freezing. Keep out of the reach of children.
Effects of Missed Dosage of Mannitol 10%
Effects of Overdose of Mannitol 10%

Home Delivery for Mannitol 10% in Your City

Medicine India is just a publishing medium for medicine related information and does not provide services or sales of medicines including mannitol 10%.

However, we do publish a comprehensive directory of Pharmacies, Chemists and Druggists in cities all over India. You can use this directory to find the medicine stores in your city (or area) that provide home delivery services for mannitol 10% and other medicines and health products. Home delivery services for mannitol 10% may be free or they may cost you depending on the pharmacy and the minimum order requirements. It would be best to get this clarified while placing the order.

Please be aware that you should take mannitol 10% only if a doctor has recommended or prescribed it. Some or all pharmacies who provide a home delivery service for medicines might insist on a prescription for mannitol 10% before they complete the sale. You can get this information while placing the order for mannitol 10% with the pharmacy.

Mannitol 10% is a generic medicine name and there are several brands available for it. Some of the brands for mannitol 10% might be better known than mannitol 10% itself. If the pharmacy that's willing to deliver medicines to your home doesn't have mannitol 10% in stock, you can ask for one of the branded alternatives for mannitol 10%.