Insulin Neutral Pharmacology

Insulin Neutral

About Insulin Neutral
Pancreatic hormone ,a fast(short) acting insulin analogue, Antidiabetic Agent.
Mechanism of Action of Insulin Neutral
Insulin acts through binding to a subunit of insulin receptors located on the cell membrane of all cells (highest densities are seen in muscle, liver, and adipose tissue).This binding induces aggregation and internalization of the receptor along with the bound Insulin. This activates tyrosine kinase activity of the ? subunits and tyrosine residues of the ? subunits get autophosphorylated; thus the activity of this subunit to phosphorylate tyrosine residues of Insulin Receptor Substrate proteins (IRS1, IRS2) is increased. These results in a cascade of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions which lead to stimulation or inhibition of enzymes involved in the metabolic actions of Insulin. Action of Insulin on metabolic enzymes are also mediated through second messengers like phosphatidyl inositol glycan (PIG) and Diacyl glycerol (DAG) which are generated through activation of specific phospholipase C.
Insulin stimulates glucose transport across cell membrane by ATP dependent translocation of glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT4 to the plasma membrane and by increasing their activity. Insulin promotes the expression of genes directing synthesis of glucose transporters. It also regulates genes for a large number of enzymes and carriers primarily through muscle action potential (MAP) kinases
Insulin causes increased production of glucokinase improves intracellular utilization of glucose. It also stimulates glycogen synthetase and enhances glycogen synthesis and inhibits phosphorylase and thus decreases glycogenolysis in liver. Insulin reduces synthesis of phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase and inhibits gluconeogenesis. It inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue and favours triglyceride synthesis. Insulin increases clearance of VLDL and chylomicrons by stimulating transcription of vascular endothelial lipoprotein lipase. Insulin improves synthesis of proteins from amino acids and prevents breakdown of proteins.

Pharmacokinets of Insulin Neutral
Absorption: Administered parenterally.
Distribution: It is widely distributed throughout the body.
Metabolism: It is metabolized in liver, muscles, and kidney.
Onset of Action for Insulin Neutral
30 to 60 minutes
Duration of Action for Insulin Neutral
6 to 8 hours
Peak action: 1-3 hours.
Half Life of Insulin Neutral
Side Effects of Insulin Neutral
1. Allergic reactions at the injection site
2. Lipodystrophy at injection site
3. Hypoglycaemia
4. Insulin resistance
5. Oedema

Contra-indications of Insulin Neutral
1. Hypersensitivity to the drug
2. Insulinoma
3. Hypoglycaemia
Special Precautions while taking Insulin Neutral
1. Control diet and exercise regularly along with therapy
2. Along with other drugs
3. Along with alcohol
4. Stress
5. Infections
6. Hepatic impairment
7. Renal impairment
8. Rotate the injection site

Pregnancy Related Information
Use with caution
Old Age Related Information
Use with caution
Breast Feeding Related Information
Use with caution
Children Related Information
Use with caution
Indications for Insulin Neutral
1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
2. Diabetic ketoacidosis
3. Pregnant diabetics
4. Stressful conditions like surgery, labour
5. For dose titration in type I diabetes
Interactions for Insulin Neutral
Drugs which decrease hypoglycaemic effect of insulin : Oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, diltiazem, dobutamine, epinephrine, smoking, thiazide diuretics, thyroid hormone.
Drugs which increase hypoglycaemic effect of insulin : Alcohol, anabolic steroids, beta-blockers, clofibrate, guanethidine, MAO inhibitors, phenylbutazone, salicylates, tetracyclines.
Typical Dosage for Insulin Neutral
Dose is individualized based on the severity of diabetes.
S.C., I.V.: Adults and children: 0.5 to 1.2 U/kg/day. Adjust dosage based on blood glucose level.
Diabetic ketoacidosis: 0.15U/kg I.V. loading dose followed by 0.1U/kg/hour as a continuous infusion. Decrease rate of infusion when plasma insulin level reaches 300mg/dl. Start infusion of D5W separately from the Insulin infusion when plasma glucose level reaches 250mg/dl. Half hours before stopping infusion administer a dose of intermediate acting Insulin.
Schedule of Insulin Neutral
Storage Requirements for Insulin Neutral
Store at a temperature range of 2 to 8 degree C in a refrigerator. Protect from direct light and heat. Keep out of reach of children.
Effects of Missed Dosage of Insulin Neutral
Take the missed dose as soon as noticed and if it is the time for next dose then skip the missed dose. Continue the regular schedule. Do not double the dose.
Effects of Overdose of Insulin Neutral
Treatment based on symptoms of hypoglycaemia. Glucose must be given orally or I.V. (for severe cases); at an infusion rate of 10 to 20mg/kg/minute. If patient is responsive give 10 to 15g of a fast acting oral carbohydrate. If patient`s signs and symptoms persist give an additional 10g of carbohydrate.

Home Delivery for Insulin Neutral in Your City

Medicine India is just a publishing medium for medicine related information and does not provide services or sales of medicines including insulin neutral.

However, we do publish a comprehensive directory of Pharmacies, Chemists and Druggists in cities all over India. You can use this directory to find the medicine stores in your city (or area) that provide home delivery services for insulin neutral and other medicines and health products. Home delivery services for insulin neutral may be free or they may cost you depending on the pharmacy and the minimum order requirements. It would be best to get this clarified while placing the order.

Please be aware that you should take insulin neutral only if a doctor has recommended or prescribed it. Some or all pharmacies who provide a home delivery service for medicines might insist on a prescription for insulin neutral before they complete the sale. You can get this information while placing the order for insulin neutral with the pharmacy.

Insulin Neutral is a generic medicine name and there are several brands available for it. Some of the brands for insulin neutral might be better known than insulin neutral itself. If the pharmacy that's willing to deliver medicines to your home doesn't have insulin neutral in stock, you can ask for one of the branded alternatives for insulin neutral.