Eszopiclone Pharmacology


About Eszopiclone
Benzodiazepine agonist, sedative and hypnotics.
Mechanism of Action of Eszopiclone
Eszopiclone acts on benzodiazepine binding site situated on GABAA neurons as an agonist, increases the conduction of chloride ions across the neuronal cell membrane .This increased conductance raises the membrane potential of the neuron, resulting in inhibition of neuronal firing.
Pharmacokinets of Eszopiclone
Absorption: Eszopiclone is rapidly absorbed after oral administration.
Distribution: Approximately 52% to 59% of a dose is weakly bound to plasma protein.
Metabolism:It is metabolised in the liver
Excretion:Excreted in the urine
Onset of Action for Eszopiclone
1 to 1.5 hours
Duration of Action for Eszopiclone
4 weeks
Half Life of Eszopiclone
6 hours
Side Effects of Eszopiclone
1. Headaches
2. Chest pain
3. Light headedness
4. Decreased sexual desire
5. Increased risk of depression
Contra-indications of Eszopiclone
Depersonalization,CNS deppression
Special Precautions while taking Eszopiclone
1. Hepatic problem
2. Lung problems
Pregnancy Related Information
Use with caution
Old Age Related Information
Use with caution
Breast Feeding Related Information
Use with caution
Children Related Information
Use with caution,
Neonates:- Contraindicated
Indications for Eszopiclone
1. Insomnia
2. Behavioral therapies
Interactions for Eszopiclone
Alcohol (which causes sedation), Potentiated by CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole)
Typical Dosage for Eszopiclone
Adult: 2 mg?3 mg before bed time
Older patient: 2 mg before bed time
Schedule of Eszopiclone
Storage Requirements for Eszopiclone
Brief storage at temperatures between 15 and 30 degrees C, Store away from heat, moisture, and light, Keep out of the reach of children.
Effects of Missed Dosage of Eszopiclone
Effects of Overdose of Eszopiclone

Home Delivery for Eszopiclone in Your City

Medicine India is just a publishing medium for medicine related information and does not provide services or sales of medicines including eszopiclone.

However, we do publish a comprehensive directory of Pharmacies, Chemists and Druggists in cities all over India. You can use this directory to find the medicine stores in your city (or area) that provide home delivery services for eszopiclone and other medicines and health products. Home delivery services for eszopiclone may be free or they may cost you depending on the pharmacy and the minimum order requirements. It would be best to get this clarified while placing the order.

Please be aware that you should take eszopiclone only if a doctor has recommended or prescribed it. Some or all pharmacies who provide a home delivery service for medicines might insist on a prescription for eszopiclone before they complete the sale. You can get this information while placing the order for eszopiclone with the pharmacy.

Eszopiclone is a generic medicine name and there are several brands available for it. Some of the brands for eszopiclone might be better known than eszopiclone itself. If the pharmacy that's willing to deliver medicines to your home doesn't have eszopiclone in stock, you can ask for one of the branded alternatives for eszopiclone.